dotnet falcon

Blogging about .NET and software development - from my bird's eye view

Updating the blog - again

Updating the blog - again

Oct 8, 2018
A while back I wrote a post about how I had upgraded the blog during the summer vacation with new features. Most of these were actual features, like the search function on the sidebar or the new tags page. I also told you to stay tuned, because more were coming
Dependency Injection Toolset upgrade

Dependency Injection Toolset upgrade

Oct 1, 2018
I have a little tool in the VS Marketplace called Dependency Injection Toolset. The idea behind the tool was to help developers who apply dependency injection regularly by making it easier to code constructor injection. The original version of the tool basically did two things: * Could generate a constructor for
Upgrading the blog

Upgrading the blog

Sep 24, 2018
It's been a while since I last posted on the blog. The summer was long and I spent more time in natural light :) But now I'm back with a renewed resolve. And I wasn't just lying around all summer — I did some upgrades to the blog itself. HTTPS using Let's
Deserialize into interface

Deserialize into interface

Jun 12, 2018
Not long ago I was teaching a Programming in C# exam prep course. One of the modules involved serialization and a student asked me a question that was quite intriguing: Given the serialized form of an object, is it possible to deserialize it into an object if we only have
Dependency injection toolset upgrade

Dependency injection toolset upgrade

May 21, 2018
Dependency injection is probably the best thing in software development since slide bread. I often blog about related things and I also have a Visual Studio extension to help those who apply the principles in practice. Guard clauses in constructors An important piece of best-practice is that whenever you use
What's new in C# 7.3?

What's new in C# 7.3?

May 14, 2018
C# 7.3 came out not long ago. I just had the time to do the update, so I thought I would do a post on it. There are a lot of other posts around about the same topic, but whatever. At least I can present this from my point