Updating the LinqPad CosmosDB datacontext driver

A while back I've created a data context driver for LinqPad so you can connect to your Azure CosmosDB databases as well. I'm very happy to see that it has caught on and a lot of you have at least downloaded it (and hopfully you are using it as well). The original post that I have created about the making of the driver is still one of my greatest hits. Since then I have upgraded the driver with a lot of features and put a whole new architecture behind it.

A couple of days ago one of the users of the driver re-opened an issue on Github that I had closed long ago on account of not having enough information and not being able to reproduce it. With his help, I was finally able to reproduce the issue and fix this bug.

So I give you version of the LinqPad datacontext driver. You can download the driver package here and the static context library here. I have also started to track the releases in the Github repo, so you can download it from there as well.

For now, this was just a small bugfix, but be assured that I'm still planning on implementing more features from the roadmap. With me having passed exam 70-777 and with Microsoft working on an EF Core provider for CosmosDB, I have a couple cool new ideas as well — so stay tuned.