Updating my extensions for Visual Studio 2019

Last week, Visual Studio 2019 was finally released and with that, I think (I hope) most of us will switch to a new IDE with a lots of cool features. And with that in mind, I sat down and upgraded my extensions in the Visual Studio Marketplace to support the new version. So if you've been using any of my extensions and now want to make the switch to VS2019, go ahead and enjoy the best of both worlds:)

The WCF Data Services Template brings you the ability to add a WCF Data Service to your project just like you could in VS2015, but with support for EF6. Unfortunately this feature is missing from VS2019 as well, so you can go ahead and grab it from here: https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=CONWID.WcfDataServiceTemplateExtension

The Dependency Injection Toolset helps you with creating the necessary boilerplate for constructor injection. This is a must have for all that use DI heavily in their code. And spoilers: I'm planning on a new edition with other cool features and bugfixes to better match the current software design best practices. In the meantime, go ahead and download it from here: https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=CONWID.DependencyInjectionToolset

The Gist Manager is an all-inclusive Visual Studio extension that let's you create, import, edit, delete or version-manage your gists right from Visual Studio. Especially useful for demos during courses. Install now from here: https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=CONWID.GistManager

The Clean Bin extension does just that: deletes the obj, bin and packages folders for your VS projects. I know there are a lot of others like this in the marketplace but if you want to use one that's just a couple clicks without having to setup anything and can be easily accessed without having to go through menu items, you can download it from here: https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=CONWID.cleanbinext

The LinqStandardQueryOperatorsTemplateExtension is a simple project template that I have created for my own C#-.NET courses so that I don't have to waste time setting up a data source with realistic data. If you want to use it during your own demos or you are a former student of mine looking for some more practice, you can find the updated version here: https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=CONWID.LinqStandardQueryOperatorsTemplateExtension

Of course, all the extensions can be downloaded directly from Visual Studio as well. Hope you'll find them useful and of course if something's not working, don't be shy to report it on the extensions Github repo.