AZ-202 (AZ-203?) passed: Microsoft Azure Developer Certification Transition

A while back I posted about passing the 70-777 Cosmos DB beta exam. Last year I also received voucers to try the new role-based Azure certification exams. Since I have already passed the original 70-532 for developers, I decided to take on the new AZ-202 transition beta exam.

Well I just got confirmation that I have successfully passed the exam. And ever since then both AZ-202 and the exam duo of AZ-200 and AZ-201 (for those who had not been previously certified) have been replaced with AZ-203: Developing Solutions for Microsoft Azure :).

So now I got this nice little badge that I'm happy to gloat about a little bit:

I also took a shot at another new AZ exam, but I'm still waiting for the results on that one. And I've just received vouchers for a couple of new beta exams, so stay tuned for my continued exploits in the beta-exam realm :)